Which Doctor is Best for Hair Loss?


best hair loss treatment doctor in Delhi

Premature hair loss can harm the self-confidence of a person negatively. Many people, men, and women suffer from hair loss issues, yet they do not know where to turn to for help. Many juggle with the issue and try to hide it by using wigs and changing the hairstyle. Some go and try over-the-counter products. And, others listen to pieces of advice from unqualified people and start to take supplements that are easily available at any pharmacy in their locality. They fail to realize that they are harming their hair and maybe cause the condition to aggravate by resorting to these methods. Instead, it is smart to visit the best hair loss treatment doctor in Delhi for effective resolution. 

Which doctor is the best for hair loss?

Dr. Rohit Batra is a renowned hair loss treatment doctor in Delhi. Dr. Batra completed his MD in Dermatology,  Venereology, and Leprology after completing MBBS from the BJ Medical College, Ahmedabad. What makes him the best dermatologist in Delhi is his passion for helping his patients offer optimized treatment. Towards this endeavor, he even visits rural parts of the country every month to offer effective dermatological problems related to the skin, hair, and nails.

Dr. Batra is a firm believer in continued learning and has kept himself abreast with the latest technologies in the dermatological gamut. He actively participates in seminars and workshops to help professionals learn new techniques and get abreast with the most advanced use of technology. The doctor can be consulted regularly at his clinic, DermaWorld Clinic, by patients interested in receiving the most cost-effective treatment. 

What is the treatment solution that Dr. Batra advises for hair loss treatment?

The most optimal solution for hair loss is the Growth Factor Therapy solution. In this non-surgical method,  the blood is drawn from the patient, and the growth factors are extracted from it by using a centrifugal device. The growth factors are then injected at the specific areas on the scalp to activate natural healing that triggers hair's natural growth. The patient's blood encourages repair of the damaged tissues and stimulates inactive follicles to start growing again.

What are the pros of Growth Factor Therapy?

  1. It is one of the most effective ways to trigger hair growth as it uses the body's natural growth factors.
  2. The record of this therapy is considerably better than many other techniques of hair growth. 
  3. The therapy results in the growth of strong and healthy hair. 
  4. It also results in adding good volume and density of hair on the scalp. 
  5. It is minimally invasive and doe not have any major side-effect. 
  6. The therapy promotes the natural healing of hair cells and the scalp.

Diagnosis of hair loss

Dr. Rohit Batra believes in personal interaction with his patients to understand the specifics of the issue. Besides his one-to-one interaction, the doctor also reviews the patient's medical history and carries out a physical examination of the scalp and the affected areas. The hair loss grade is assessed with the help of a blood and allergy test. If need be, he also advises a scalp biopsy. 

At Dr. Batra's clinic, the focus is to offer safe and holistic treatment to patients. Towards this goal, the staff members ensure that the patient is made aware of the precautions before and after the treatment. The pre-treatment care and aftercare instructions are critical for the quick recovery of the patient. Some things to do are keep the area protected from sunlight, stop the consumption of alcohol and smoking, not indulge in physical exercises and sweat-producing activities, and consume a lot of water.

For further details, please feel free to get in touch with him.


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